The Dosha- The First Mask and Greatest Treasure


What do you see when you look in the mirror?

I often refer to the dosha as the first mask we place over consciousness. If I look in the mirror and identify with the mask, then I believe that the mask is me.

If that mask is Vata dosha, I believe that I AM mobile, dry, light and airy.

If that mask is Pitta dosha, I believe that I AM hot, oily, sharp, and fiery.

If that mask is Kapha dosha, I believe that I AM cool, heavy, dense and watery.

When I identify that this is what I AM, I become powerless to change. When I recognize the dosha as a mask, I know that the consciousness behind this is not limited by the qualities of the dosha. In that consciousness I have the power to change. I can make the choices necessary to fill the ether, calm the air, cool the fire, dry the water or move the earth.

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